Effortless Elegance with Easy Rangoli Designs for Beginners

Easy rangoli designs for beginners: Rangoli, an ancient Indian art form, holds cultural significance and is often associated with festivals and celebrations. While traditionally considered a woman’s domain, rangoli-making has evolved to be inclusive of all genders.

The designs themselves are often inspired by traditional motifs such as flowers, peacocks, lamps, and geometric shapes. Each element carries its own significance. Flowers symbolise purity and beauty, peacocks are associated with grace and beauty, while lamps represent the victory of light over darkness.

Rangoli serves as a visual hymn during Diwali, resonating with the joy, spirituality, and communal harmony that define the festival. Creating rangoli can be an engaging and meditative experience for everyone.

Here are a few simple Diwali rangoli designs tailored to your artistic journey.

easy rangoli designs for beginners

The Classic Geometric Pattern

If you’re a beginner looking to create a simple and visually appealing rangoli design, why not start with a classic geometric pattern? With its clean lines and balanced symmetry, this design is easy to create yet impactful in its visual appeal.

To begin, outline a square or a circle as the base of your design. You can use rangoli powder, rice flour, or coloured chalk to create the outline. Once you have the base shape, start adding simple lines and shapes within it. Triangles, dots, and straight lines can be used to form a variety of geometric patterns.

Experiment with different combinations of shapes and colours to enhance the visual appeal of your rangoli. Consider using contrasting colours to make the rangoli design stand out.

You can also add embellishments like flower petals or small decorative accents to add a touch of uniqueness to your geometric rangoli design.

Creating a classic geometric pattern is a great way to get started with rangoli-making. It allows you to explore the beauty of simple shapes and lines while adding your own creative touch. So grab your materials and give it a try.

Floral Delights

When it comes to creating a beautiful and effortless Diwali rangoli, floral motifs are a popular choice. Flowers have always held a special place in Indian culture, symbolizing purity, beauty, and abundance.

Incorporating flowers into your rangoli designs can add a touch of elegance and grace to your festive decorations.

To create a floral rangoli, start by sketching a flower in the center of your design. You can choose any flower that appeals to you, such as a lotus, rose, or marigold. As you extend the design, incorporate petals and leaves to make it more intricate and visually appealing.

Feel free to experiment with different flower varieties, combining colours and shapes to create a vibrant and stunning rangoli.

One of the advantages of using flowers in your rangoli is the natural fragrance they add to the space. The aroma of fresh flowers can uplift the festive atmosphere and create a sense of tranquility.

Additionally, flowers are readily available during Diwali season, making it convenient to source the materials needed for your rangoli creation.

Whether you opt for a simple design with a single type of flower or a more elaborate arrangement with mixed varieties, a floral rangoli is sure to be a delightful addition to your Diwali celebrations.

Benefits of Creating a Floral Rangoli:

  • Symbolizes purity, beauty, and abundance.
  • Adds an elegant and graceful touch to your festive decorations.
  • Offers a wide range of flower options to suit your personal preference.
  • Infuses the space with natural fragrance, creating a tranquil atmosphere.
  • Uses readily available materials, making it convenient to create.

Minimalist Peacock Feathers

When it comes to creating a stunning Diwali rangoli design, the elegance and grace of peacock feathers can be a captivating choice.

With their vibrant colours and intricate patterns, peacock feathers add a touch of beauty and symbolism to your rangoli.

To create a minimalist peacock feather rangoli design, start by drawing a simple outline of the feather shape.

Use thin lines to add in the eye markings and delicate details that make the design come to life. Experiment with different colour combinations to capture the true essence of peacock feathers.

Whether you choose to incorporate the feathers as a central element of your rangoli or use them as decorative motifs around your design, the minimalist approach allows the beauty of the feathers to shine through.

This design is perfect for beginners who want to create a visually striking rangoli without overwhelming complexity.

simple peacock feather rangoli designs

Incorporating colour and Contrast

When working with minimalist peacock feather rangoli designs, consider using contrasting colours to enhance the visual impact.

Bold and vibrant hues, such as royal blue, emerald green, and deep purple, can help bring out the intricate patterns and add depth to the feathers.

Experiment with different colour combinations to find the perfect balance between the feather’s natural beauty and the overall aesthetic of your rangoli design.

Remember, simplicity is key, so opt for a limited colour palette to create a harmonious and visually appealing composition.

Adding Delicate Details

While the focus of a minimalist peacock feather rangoli design is simplicity, don’t shy away from adding delicate details to enhance the overall effect.

Use thin lines and precise strokes to create the eye markings and smaller feather details. These intricate touches will add a sense of realism and bring your rangoli to life.

Consider incorporating other elements such as floral motifs or geometric shapes to complement the peacock feathers and add interest to your design.

The key is to strike a balance between simplicity and complexity, allowing the feathers to remain the main focal point while still creating an engaging and visually stunning rangoli.

Symmetrical Kolam

Creating symmetrical kolam designs can be a wonderful way for beginners to start their rangoli-making journey. These designs, popular in South India, showcase the beauty of symmetry and balance.

To create a symmetrical kolam, start by sketching a central dot as your focal point. From there, draw lines and curves radiating outwards, mirroring each other to form intricate patterns. You can use dots as a guide to maintain symmetry and ensure a harmonious design.

Symmetrical kolam designs are not only visually appealing but also allow for endless creativity and experimentation.

Benefits of Symmetrical Kolam Designs:

  • Easy for beginners to learn and create
  • Showcases the beauty of symmetry and balance
  • Allows for creative exploration and experimentation
  • Can be adapted to different shapes and sizes

For those who enjoy creating precise and intricate designs, kolam with dots is a great option. This technique involves drawing a grid of dots and connecting them to form different patterns.

Kolam designs with dots offer a structured approach to rangoli-making, allowing you to create symmetrical and visually pleasing designs. By connecting the dots in a specific order, you can create beautiful shapes and motifs that are sure to impress.

kolam design

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced artist, symmetrical kolam designs are a fantastic choice for your Diwali rangoli. They provide a sense of balance and harmony, while also allowing for individual creative expression.

So grab your materials and start creating your own symmetrical kolam design – it’s a beautiful way to celebrate the festival of lights.

Diya Rangoli

Light up your Diwali celebrations with a captivating diya rangoli design. Diyas, or traditional lamps, hold immense significance during this festival as they symbolize the triumph of light over darkness.

Creating a diya rangoli not only adds a festive touch to your decor but also serves as a visual representation of positivity and warmth.

To craft a simple diya rangoli, start by outlining multiple diyas or lamps on the floor using colourful rangoli powder or rice flour.

Choose a central location where the diya rangoli will be placed. Once you have the outline, decorate the diyas with intricate patterns and motifs. You can incorporate swirls, dots, and floral elements around the diyas to enhance their radiance and aesthetic appeal.

Experiment with vibrant colours to make your diya rangoli vibrant and eye-catching.

A diya rangoli not only showcases your creativity but also adds a sense of spirituality to the festive atmosphere. As you light up the diyas, their warm glow will illuminate your home and fill it with joy and positivity.

So, this Diwali, unleash your artistic side and create a mesmerizing diya rangoli that brings light, love, and happiness into your life and the lives of others.

Rangoli Design Ideas:

  • Create a diya rangoli with multiple small diyas, arranged in an intricate pattern.
  • Design a diya rangoli with diyas placed in a circular formation, resembling a mandala.
  • Incorporate traditional motifs like flowers, peacocks, or lotus petals around the diyas.
  • Experiment with different colour combinations to add vibrancy and visual appeal.

diya rangoli designs

Contemporary Abstract Art

If you’re looking to add a modern touch to your Diwali rangoli, why not experiment with contemporary abstract art?

This style allows you to break free from traditional motifs and explore fluid lines, asymmetrical shapes, and innovative patterns.

By embracing the unconventional, you can create a unique and eye-catching design that reflects your artistic style and adds a contemporary twist to your rangoli.

Expressing Creativity

Contemporary abstract art in rangoli offers a fantastic opportunity to express your creativity and showcase your individuality.

Through this style, you can play with negative space, experiment with colour gradients, and let your imagination run wild.

The freedom to incorporate unconventional elements and break away from traditional boundaries allows you to create a rangoli that is truly one of a kind.

Unleashing Modern Sensibilities

By incorporating contemporary abstract art into your rangoli, you can infuse the design with a touch of modernity and reflect the changing times.

Embrace asymmetry, bold lines, and unexpected shapes to challenge the norms and create a visually striking piece that captivates the attention of all who see it.

This style allows you to celebrate Diwali with a rangoli that combines tradition with a contemporary edge.

So, this Diwali, let your creativity soar and explore easy abstract rangoli designs or simple contemporary rangoli designs.

Unleash your artistic side and create a rangoli that not only adds a modern touch to your celebrations but also showcases your unique artistic style.

easy abstract rangoli designs


Engaging in the art of rangoli-making can be a fulfilling and therapeutic experience for anyone, irrespective of gender. With these simple rangoli designs, you can embark on an artistic journey that fosters creativity, mindfulness, and a deeper appreciation for traditional Indian art forms.

Whether you prefer traditional motifs or contemporary abstractions, these designs offer a diverse range of options for you to explore and express your artistic inclinations.

So, grab your materials and dive into the world of rangoli-making this Diwali, where every stroke is a celebration of creativity and culture.

Creating stunning rangoli designs doesn’t have to be complicated. These easy and simple rangoli designs for beginners are perfect for anyone looking to try their hand at this ancient art form.

From geometric patterns to floral motifs, minimalist peacock feathers to symmetrical kolam designs, and even contemporary abstract art, there is something for everyone.

Whether you’re a first-time rangoli-maker or someone with more experience, these designs provide a stepping stone for your artistic journey.

With step-by-step instructions and tips, you can create beautiful rangoli designs without any hassle. So, gather your materials, unleash your creativity, and let the magic of rangoli-making bring joy and beauty to your Diwali celebrations.

>> Have a look at my other posts here,


What are some easy rangoli designs for beginners?

You can try the classic geometric pattern, floral motifs, minimalist peacock feathers, symmetrical kolam, diya rangoli, or contemporary abstract art.

How do I create a classic geometric pattern?

Start by outlining a square or a circle, and then add simple lines and shapes within it. Use triangles, dots, and straight lines to form an aesthetically pleasing design. Enhance the visual appeal by using contrasting colours.

How can I make a floral rangoli design?

Begin by sketching a flower in the centre and gradually extend the design by incorporating petals and leaves. Use a single type of flower or experiment with multiple varieties. Fill in the outlines with vibrant colours.

How can I create a minimalist peacock feather rangoli?

Draw a simple outline of the feather shape and then embellish it with subtle details like eye markings and thin lines. Experiment with different colour combinations to evoke the striking beauty of peacock feathers.

What is a symmetrical kolam rangoli design?

It is a popular design in South India. Start by sketching a central dot and then build a symmetrical pattern around it using simple lines and curves. Explore variations in shapes and sizes to infuse creative flair into your rangoli.

How can I make a diya rangoli?

Outline multiple traditional diyas or lamps on the floor and then decorate them with intricate patterns and motifs. Incorporate swirls, dots, and floral elements around the diyas to amplify their radiance.

How can I create a contemporary abstract rangoli?

Embrace fluid lines, asymmetrical shapes, and contemporary motifs to create a unique design that reflects your artistic style. Play with negative space, colour gradients, and unconventional patterns.

What are some easy rangoli designs for beginners for Diwali?

You can try the classic geometric pattern, floral motifs, minimalist peacock feathers, symmetrical kolam, diya rangoli, or contemporary abstract art.

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I’m Shivani, the artistic soul and creator behind “Rangoli Designs”. Armed with a Bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts, my journey into the world of art has been nothing short of a vibrant adventure. My passion for this ancient art form has fueled my desire to share its magic with the world, leading me to create this blog.

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